Lotus Blue requires 24 hours notice for cancellation. If cancellation does not take place within the 24 hours, you will be charged for half of the cost of service for the first occurrence. If there are additional cancellations not made within the 24 hours, you will be charged for the entire cost of service and will not be able to rebook without nonrefundable prepayment. The only exception is if you are sick. I do not want anyone coming into my small suite space if they are sick. I will not charge you the cancellation fee if you are sick but if it happens more than once, I will begin with charging half of the service payment, then if it happens again, I will have to take a nonrefundable prepayment for the entire cost of the service.

I do ask that anyone who is feeling sick to please cancel. I ask for anyone who thinks their sniffles, headache, cough, watery eyes, sore throat, sneezing, and so on, is allergies, to please wear a mask.