Schedule an Appointment

I am located at 5350 Burnet Rd in My Salon Suite, located beneath the 5350 Haus Apartments. Monkey Nest Coffee is directly across the street from me. You will still ring my suite under Leah Lawson/Lotus Blue when you arrive. We have a free covered parking garage with the entrance off of Burnet Rd, across from Papa John’s Pizza. You will proceed to the sidewalk outside of the parking garage, pass the soda machine, elevator, and mural, to the front of the building. My Salon Suite entrance is facing Burnet Rd. and is after the camera shop and Pilates Studio.


*Prices are subject to change so please be sure you have familiarized yourself with proper appointment selection & cost for each service. Appointments that go over an hour are Extended Service appointments and will be charged as such, regardless of selection made while booking.

Any appointments made on my online scheduling must be approved, so please do not assume your appointment has been approved until you receive a confirmation text. Please pay close attention to menu selections when booking. If you have any doubts on which selection to make, please reach out to me before scheduling.

All new clients, clients with extremely thick hair, or clients receiving a big change (EX: hair below shoulders to a short cut or a client who has not been seen by me in several months) must choose the Extended Service Haircut. If we do not take an extended amount of time, you will not be charged for the additional time. Appointments lasting longer than and hour are considered Extended Services and will be charged as such. This option, or the Hour Haircut, are the two most common selections.

The Hour Haircut is for established clients only and you are familiar with the amount of time our appointments take. If you know we are able to complete your service in one hour, this is your selection. If you are unsure, please contact me before scheduling. Even if you are an existing client, but we are doing a big change on your hair, please select the Extended Service. If you are an established client but you have a lot of hair, hair being dried from curly to straight, anything that would cause the service to run over and hour, please select the Extended Service selection. *Please note that if your appointment runs over the hour, I will charge the Extended Service, so it is in everyone’s best interest to make the proper selection to begin with so we have adequate time for your service, and so I stay on time for my next client. Again, if you are uncertain, reach out to me before scheduling.

The Under 45 Appointment is not limited to but is most commonly selected for clients who are in very regularly (every 3 weeks or so) and we complete the service in 45 minutes or less. *This is not a common selection. If you have questions, please reach out to me. If you know your appointment with me takes over 45 minutes, this is not your selection.